M is for Marmalade—Watch and Vote! — Prolost

M is for Marmalade—Watch and Vote!

Warning! This is a horror short. It’s all scary and stuff. If you are my mom, don’t watch.

I did the color grading for this creepy, wonderful horror short by Gus Krieger. It’s an entry in the ABC’s of Death 2 search for the 26th director competition—if Gus wins, his short will be included in the feature film, a sequel to the orginal ABC’s of Death.

The winner is chosen by Facebook “Likes” (because what could be more horrific than that?), so head on over and put a thumb on it!

Further warning: Gus has given me the OK to write about the process of coloring his film, so watch for that in coming weeks.


on 2013-11-01 05:21 by Stu

Here’s the post on the color grading process!