Click the image to toggle before/after.

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce

onload = function() { for(var i = 0, es = document.images, n = es.length, e = es[0]; i < n; e = es[++i]) { var m = e.className.match(/swap\((\w+), ([\w\/\.:%]+)\)/); if(m) e['on' + m[1]] = (function(n) { return function() { var oldsrc = this.src; this.src = n; n = oldsrc; }; })(m[2]); } e = es = null; };

King of Produce